Saturday, December 3, 2011

You see this poor dog?

That's me. 

  Yeah.  He's wiped out.  Worked himself to the bone poor thing. cleaning and decorating that house.  After doing all that work he just doesn't have the energy to go on.  It's a wonder he made it up to the roof before he fell asleep.  
  But it was totally worth it you know.  That house looks great!  And now he can truly enjoy that nap knowing it was well earned.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8 Habaneros all in a row...

  Is what I had to eat to come in second place at the Goehner chilli cook off  hot chilli pepper eating contest, last Saturday.  Wow.  You know what the guy who won first place had to eat?  8 habaneros and one bite.  Yeah I lost by one bite.  The poor guy said the only thing that kept him going was the fact that he was going to get beat by a girl. 
  He did manage to keep them all down.  which is not something I can say for myself,  but I'm glad I didn't.  I bet he felt awful the next day. 

  Oh, and did I mention the second place prize...
Isn't that sick?   That's 1 gallon of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. 

So last Saturday will now be remembered as the stupidest night of my life.  Yeah.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Corn corn and more corn...

There comes a time every summer when my life consists of corn, sunburn, corn, blisters, beanpoles, corn rash, mud, sunburn, sunburn, blisters, and sunburn. Yup that pretty much covers it, oh wait did I say sunburn, yeah? Good.
Well I'm a little sad to say that time of summer has past for me. Yup my job in the field is done, and all too soon for my taste. Oh well. I'm still feeling the affects on my crispy shoulders. And did you know wearing duct tape on your skin can result in itchy red bumps. Yeah. It's gross.
Oh well, back to life I suppose...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Well before I start telling you about today's happenings I just wanted to tell you that I've started working in the corn. Started on Monday actually. I'm so happy, and tired. Best. Job. Ever.

Any who, allow me to show you are semi yard ornament we had today...

Yeah Dad got a ton of sand that was delivered today. But it rained all night last night and most of the morning so the ground was too soft and apparently this is what happens when you drive a semi on wet ground.

They tried to dig it out... but that didn't work. So after digging a trench in the middle of our yard the truck driver call his brother too come pull him out with his bobcat.

"Oh yeah this is going to work, we'll just wrap a chain around that and we'll pull you right out."

Look at them just standing around watching one guy do all the work.

Well pulling from the front didn't work so the went around and pulled it out from the back.
Which worked great!

But apparently that was just too easy for the truck driver, so he drove the truck right back into the whole.

I kid you not.

So they chained the bobcat back up and pulled it out again. This time he stayed out. Thanks mister bobcat man you saved our yard.

What's left of it anyway.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


It's been ages,
I know,
It's been ages,
But you never right,
You never call,
And I begin to wonder,
Have you missed me at all?

So many things to do,
so many places to go,
I've had no time for you,
And this has been my woe.

And that's my sad attempt at poetry. :)

Now let's see where to begin on what's been happening... After a lovely visit with my sister and brother in law (lovely except for the fact I was ill half the time.) My life was pretty mush consumed by farmer's markets, gardening, painting, thunderstorms, power outages, another cold (I thought you were only suppose to get sick in the winter??) and now I'm nursing the sun burn of the century.

Well there you have it. I got on planning to write this super long post about every thing that's been going on, but I think I wrapped it all in a pretty neat nut shell there. :D

It's a good thing too I got pies in the oven waiting to come out!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking a break...

I know I said I would post pictures but I haven't had time. Now my sister and brother in law are here for the week and I just wanted to tell you I will probably not be blogging this week. At all. O.k. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I have a good excuse!

Look at me I haven't posted in like two weeks! And I haven't changed my background in even longer! lol
I have a good excuse though. If ever there was such a thing. First there was my computer... trust me if it were any slower it would have been moving back wards. It would take me five minutes to scroll down a page! Let alone load a page!
Then there were the phone lines...Or should I say the lack there of? But the phone lines are back, and after running a few cleaners, virus scans, and "renewing my IP address" (whatever that means) it's seems to be working at an acceptable speed. And now I have a lady popping on every now and again to let me know my "virus database has been updated" It's kinda creepy actually. I take great joy in muting her. :)
So any way, I'm back, I'm busy, and I have pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here's a peek at some of what I worked on last week...

I've recently purchased a fine point fabric paint marker, so now I can do more finer detailing...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Papa came up from Illinois today. He'll be having a good long visit with us before heading back.
So (need I say?) we cleaned house all day. Hey, we were good this time! We started cleaning yesterday so we didn't have as much to do today.
We'll that wraps up my day...:)

Hey want to see what bluebananaberry pancakes look like?
Ooops! Got to be faster than that! After a day of hard work pancakes don't last long in this house.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hello Saturday...

As you may know today was a big day. So big I spent time getting ready for it, lots of time, last night...

Hello Farmers market!

Hello hoards of beautiful happy people. We're happy to be in the sun aren't we?

Hello flower vendors.

Hello flowers.

Hello Wisconsin I like your cheese.
Hello big red fire engine.

Hello strange people I have never seen before you make awesome soap.Juuust kidding! Hello Timmy and Mom

Hello overpriced coffee...or is it gormet?
Hello honey jars shaped like bears.

Hello drummer dude, you rock.

Hello first day in our first booth.

Hello pillow, I missed you, let's spend some quality time together.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Goog Morning Monday!

Yes here we go again. And I will be extremely busy this week because...The farmers market starts on Saturday!! Eeeep!!
So I will be busyx3, getting ready for that, and cutting a million acres of grass. O.k. not really a million, but, yeah.

Have a great day!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal names...

I heard this on the radio and thought it would be fun. I think it might actually be going around on face book but being out of the internet world loop I don't know for sure.

Any way in honor of the royal wedding. To get you royal name you first take one of you grandparents names, then the name of your first pet, and the name of the street you grew up on, add Lord or Lady to that and Tada! Your very own royal name.

Lady Mildred Mandy Weber

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I made doughnuts! And they were so yummy!

The first of many I do all my siblings...

Yes, at my sisters request for her birthday breakfast I made doughnuts. They weren't as hard as I thought they would be to make. I did have some trouble getting my oil to stay at the temperature I needed it to stay at. And some of them I should have cooked a little longer than I did. But I suspect that will all improve with practice...and a deep fryer. :D I'm hoping to maybe sell them at the farmers market this summer, that would be awesome!

Hungry yet? Come over to my house, we'll make doughnuts.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happybirthday party...

Oh well, in our house we never celebrate birthdays on the actual birthday anyway. So today we celebrated Sarah's birthday. So getting up reeeeeaaallly early (about eight) I started my first ever batch of doughnuts, which I will tell all about later.
Then I made cake, then I made crab cakes, and crab rangoon, then comes the icing on the cake. No I literally mean the icing on the cake...

Happy birthday Sarah. My feet hurt. Goodnight.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Poor me, Happy Birthday you...

I have the habit of picking up and remembering completely useless facts. My brain is full of these literally useless facts. Like the word soup comes from a Germanic word "sop" which is a piece of bread used to soak up broths, stews and wine, or, the word restaurant was first used to describe a kind of soup, and, ice cream was probably invented by the Italians, not the chineese as some may believe, or the word 'nerd' came from the Dr. Suess book 'If I Ran the Zoo', Mickey Rooney (who's real name is Joseph Yule Jr.) was married eight times; divorced seven, 7up was originally named "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda", and today is Charlie Chaplin's 122nd birthday. To list a few anyway... Like I said useless, right? When will I ever use any of that info?
Now that might not be all that bad, but tell me, how terrible is it that I remembered today was Charlie Chaplin 122nd birthday before I remembered it was my sister 14th? Now THAT would have been something useful to remember! I'm hopeless!

...So sorry...all that just to say Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


Yeah so I'm sitting here trying to find a spring picture for my profile when I look out the window and it's snowing! Snow! In April! A week before Easter! And it aint no light spring time snow either, it's really coming down!
We're starting a fire! And just the other day we were all sitting outside getting sunburns. Ha! Well you know what they say in Nebraska, "If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes."
We don't really expect any of the snow to stick, although it is supposed to get down to 30 tonight. But we just had a whole lot of rain, and tomorrow it's supposed to be 60. And we're all looking forward to a sunny weekend. We shall see...
And my profile picture will have to wait as my computer apparently doesn't like loading pictures in snow storms.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I collect...

bottles! Yes! And I decided this morning (which was a beautiful morning) to take a million picture of my bottles for my blog!

So I packed them all into a basket...

...actually they didn't all fit. so after several trips I got the all lined up outside....

Unfortunately I got them all lined up only to realize they wouldn't all fit here either. So I snapped a few pics and then moved them again...

These are my favorites...

And this is where they live...

I'm going to have to find some more windows soon.