Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear blog,

Poor, sad, neglected blog. I'm so sorry I've forgotten about you. Sorry I was dragged away in the busyness of life and left you here to fend for yourself.

I'm back now, and I'm here to say I had good reason to neglect you for so long. A few actually.

First and foremost, I had my sisters wedding to go to, which meant regular shopping trips to Lincoln till we found brides maid outfits for me and two of my sister. Then I had hundreds of cupcakes to bake for said wedding. Every thing went wonderfully and I promise pictures as soon as I get them myself. Love you Jenny! So glad I got to help out.

Now I know that doesn't exactly explain for the past two months. It's a start though. Right?

o.K. then on top of that I've also taken a cake decorating class, gotten my garden ready for winter, learned how to make puff pastry and sweet potato pie, learned how not to make vanilla cupcakes rise, traded our weekly farmers markets in for craft shows, made dozens of hats for the craft shows, and actually picked my paintbrushes back up. I'm hoping I'll have something to show at our home show in December. We shall see about that last part won't we.

1 comment:

  1. The cupcakes were amazing - beautiful and very yummy! Thank you for all of your help - despite hunger and extreme fatigue. It was much appreciated :)
